Welcome to our active community group

Carry and Connect started as a couple of men going for a walk carrying some heavy weights sometime in 2020. The experience of walking, talking and the shared struggle with those weights was profound.  It was such a simple and natural thing and it fed a primal need within these men for both physical activity and mental wellbeing. This experience was good, and it had to be shared with the community

Active community group for men in Research

Since that day we have met every Saturday, bringing men of all abilities, ages, size and shape together for an hour to suffer in our beautiful natural environment  You might have seen us walking from Eltham Adventure Playground to Allendale Road carrying sandbags or weights and thought, who are these crazy guys walking in the cold, heat or rain barefoot (not mandatory) carrying those big bags?

chatting during a carry session with Carry & Connect

The act of walking in nature while carrying weight is cathartic.  You move out of your mind and into your body; the worries, stresses, and persona that we carry during our lives can dissolve (if we let it) revealing a truer self.  I highly recommend it as a form of active meditation. Struggling together also serves to bring people together and facilitates connections and bonds with your fellow man.

Active community group for women in Research

If at this point you're interested, but worried about your own ability, we ask you to come along and just go for a walk with us. Yes, the carrying is important to connect to one another, but the chatting half way is most important. And whenever you feel ready you pickup whatever weight is challenging to you.

The first step is as simple as showing up.

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